It is our pleasure and greatest honour to have been identified with our esteemed followers both in season and off season. We are indeed grateful for your invaluable interest displayed towards our Media Organization. Your unquantifiable supports that you accorded us over the years will forever remain indelible and unforgettable in our heart. We really value every bit of your cooperation, supports and love for Igbogbo/Baiyeku Info Magazine.
However, our Media Outlet has acquired a unique and dynamic name and shall NOW be known and address as "MegaXpression Magazine". This is in a bid to widen our scope in order to acquaint the people with first hand information. Moreover, Igbogbo/Baiyeku Info is not dead but will NOW become a monthly published Newspaper.
Furthermore, it will be of great interest for us to keep you abreast of what MegaXpression Magazine stands for. It is a Print Media of reputable standard which aimed at airing the voice of the downtrodden and the achievements of great numbers of people of how they rose from dunghill to stardom. It equally focuses on getting the people informed of the happenings in politics, sports, education, entertainments and other events within and outside Ikorodu Division.
Nevertheless, with all sense of humility, we would communicate to you soon on the date of our Maiden Anniversary, when the official unveiling of our new name and the launching of the "Historical Biography of the Legends in Ikorodu Division" will be unveiled.
While anticipating for your mutual understanding and continuous partnership, kindly accept the assurances of our highest regards.
Together, we will Make Ikorodu Division Great!
The Publisher, MegaXpression Magazine
The source of GENUINE information
So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.